Privacidad y protección van de la mano. En BrightHouse, nos esforzamos por proteger a nuestro personal, asà como a nuestros clientes, de todas las formas posibles. Llame a nuestra oficina al620.665.3630y lo derivaremos a un miembro del personal.
Advocacy is my passion. I went through trauma myself, without support. Now, I am able to take what I learned, through my own experience, and help victims become survivors while watching them walk their own journey.
"I now see how owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do."
Going through my own traumatic situations, I know the value advocacy brings to the healing process. It is a privilege to be a part of someone's life in this capacity, and I am grateful to have the opportunity to do this work.
"Love is boundary-less. Love should open doors, not limit opportunities."
To me, doing this work, means helping people find their voice. We see people when they are going through some of the worst times of their lives. By helping them to navigate through the various systems and watching them learn who they are outside of their trauma is so empowering.
“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.” -CARL JUNG
I'm forever grateful to be a part of something meaningful, and bigger than myself. Because of my own past experiences, it is my goal, and drive, to provide guidance to others where permissible.
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." -GEORGE ELIOT
My passion comes from surviving a lifetime of trauma where I was taught that asking for help was considered a weakness. The peace I fought for and finally achieved, convinced me my purpose was to help others survive and learn to fight their own monsters. These monsters are real, not under your bed or hiding in your closet with horns, but people you know, love or trust.
"You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it." -ROBIN WILLIAMS
Seeing parents and children connect and build relationships is a huge part of the reason I love this job. Knowing that I get to be part of this journey with each family as they navigate the next steps is everything.
"There are far, far better things ahead than we leave behind." -C.S. LEWIS
Jean's House Manager
Visitation Coordinator
Seeing parents and children connect and build relationships is a huge part of the reason I love this job. Knowing that I get to be part of this journey with each family as they navigate the next steps is everything.
"There are far, far better things ahead than we leave behind." -C.S. LEWIS
Sue, directora ejecutiva
Jason, coordinador de subvenciones
Kat, coordinadora de visitas
Pam, defensora de vÃctimas
Riley, defensora de vÃctimas
Cassie, defensora de vÃctimas
Cegan, Defensor de las VÃctimas
Angie, defensora de vÃctimas
Peggy, Coordinadora de Divulgación
Cami, defensora de vÃctimas del condado de Rice
Defensor de vÃctimas de los condados de Paula, Kingman y Harper
El directorio está dirigido por el Comité Ejecutivo. Actualmente hay tres comités permanentes adicionales: finanzas, recaudación de fondos y gobernanza. Los miembros de la junta son designados para estos comités en la reunión de noviembre de la junta directiva.
BrightHouse está gobernado por una junta directiva voluntaria. Los estatutos establecen que una junta de hasta 12 gobernará la agencia. Los mandatos se fijan en tres años y uno puede cumplir dos mandatos consecutivos.
Leslie Shea, presidenta, Heartland Credit Union
Justin Jensen, vicepresidente, PPD
Keith Neill, Tesorero, Primera Iglesia Presbiteriana
Shelly Rasor, Secretaria, Departamento del Sheriff del Condado de Reno.
Sara Alexander, expresidenta
Cindy Miller, hogar en lugar de cuidado de personas mayores
Susan Wilson, miembro general
Amy Lux, Banco Kanza
Amy Bretz, Camino Unido
Kristen Armstrong, Grupo JurÃdico de Pastores Ancianos
Gaye Tibbets, Hite, Fanning y Honeyman
Dave Sotelo, Oficial de Relaciones Humanas de Hutchinson
Se alienta a cualquier persona interesada en convertirse en miembro de la junta a comunicarse con un miembro existente de la junta o con el Director Ejecutivo en620.665.3630.